Friday, December 29, 2006

Anticipating 2007 titles

Check out Class of 2k7 for titles being released in 2007, written by first time children's and YA lit authors. I stumbled upon this site last week and found lots to look at and a few titles I'm already excited for. Here are a few YA titles that I'm putting on my 'fun' reading list for 2007:

Story of a Girl by Sara Zarr (just got a starred review in SLJ)
The Web site says "When she is caught in the backseat of a car with her older brother’s best friend, Deanna Lambert’s teenage life is changed forever."

Before After and Somebody In Between by Jeannine Garsee
Takes place in Cleveland, Ohio (not too far from me) and involves 14 year old Martha, her alcoholic mother, a school bully and a chance to start over with the 'perfect' family.

Carpe Diem by Autumn Cornwell
16 year-old, overachiever, Vassar Spore is forced to go backpacking in Southeast Asia with her Grandmother. Along the way she sweats alot, falls in love, and discovers a family secret. I just like the backpacking adventure part, but now I'm dying to know what the secret is.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the mention! :)

Plum said...

Jeannine - you win the award for being my first comment on this blog. Congratulations and best of luck with the book!